Monday 13 June 2016

Double Waterfall Album Graphic 45 Raining Cats and Dogs Collection

Welcome to my Craft Room this evening. I am working on a Double Waterfall Album, instead of organizing my craft room today. haha I thought I would share the progress with you. Everything was going wrong, and I almost set it aside for a future project. I got to thinking how we all make mistakes, and what if we didn't share how we remedied them with other's???  Well, today, I am sharing how everything seemed to go wrong, yet I kept working on it, and I am delighted with the progress. Thank you for joining me.


  1. I am intrigued by this card. You mention a part two to it. I'm having trouble locating that. Perhaps it's name differently??? Thanks again

  2. We are portrayed many body shots of herself, and close ups to display her figure and toned body to the audience. travel umbrella
