Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Red Card Challenge...I have 2 video's showing the entire process of my card, that, after 3 attempts of trying to download, WILL NOT do so! I was playing with my camera last night, and removed the card inside, but I placed it back in today so I could tape my video's, and my computer will not except the full download. Every time it gets to the last minute, it pops up ERROR! Very frustrating, to say the least! Smiles. All the time it takes for the download, and it's coming up ERROR. I will try and figure it out, and try again. For now, I'm sending you the pictures. I'm happy with the outcome of my labour. Smiles...this BEVELLED ACETATE 3 in one card was a delight to make. It has 3 ways to stand, for a different look every way you position it. This is the front, and I'll post the inside, and back of card, until my video's download ...(praying they will)! Please enjoy

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