Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Galaxy Galore

This is the video showing this wonderful Galaxy Card which inspired me yesterday, from Kristine Werner's Blog. Makes a wonderful Masculine card in a jiffy! Hope you give this a try! I can't wait to do the midnight sky, with a lightning bolt I viewed today! The Craft Room is not getting any cooler temperature the cards I'm wanting to create are HOT! I'm just a few video's shy of 500! Can you believe it? In less than 2 years, I have downloaded almost 500 video's! I know people have giveaway's for SUBBIE'S that reach a certain number! I'm not sure about VIDEO'S????
I can't wait to reach 100 SUBSCRIBER'S though! I have been at 67 for such a long time...If you know how I can reach out for subscriber growth, please leave me a COMMENT explaining how to up my audience ...Don't get me wrong here, I am thankful for every single subscriber! Thank you everyone that has joined, and to all that drop by, just to view! I'm ever so grateful for you too! Enjoy your evening!

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